This is being proposed in our State's legislature. The Bill is titled s-3030/a-4848 here are some bullet points of the proposed Bill: 1. Allows late term abortions up to birth of the child,. 2. The bill includes language that a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus shall not have independent rights under the laws of the state of New Jersey. 3. This is supported by Gov. Murphy! (Who claims to have Catholic roots.) 4. The bill permits non-physicians to perform abortions. 5. It nullifies conscience clauses for medical personnel who are opposed to abortion. 6. It mandates an annual allocation of taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood under the Title X in the State budget. Exempts prosecution of individuals who terminate or attempt to terminate their pregnancy. Requires all insurance providers to cover abortions and contraceptives. 7. Young women who are minors can procure an abortion without their parents knowledge, or permission and forces us to pay for it. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD AGAINST THIS BILL! Contact your legislators for our district by e-mail addresses or call their office.