On Oct. 4th, the Confirmation Program will begin the 2015-2016 school year. Teens meet once a month – usually on the first Sun. of the month. If you have teens entering 9th or 10th grade that have not yet registered please contact the Confirmation Office immediately at 973-283-1212. We have changed the program this year to improve the connection between the confirmation candidates and the OLM community. Beginning Oct. 4th, teens will join the OLM congregation at the Sun., 11am Mass. We encourage the families of our candidates to join us at Mass! This is an exciting change for the program, as the teens will be involved in a new way with the OLM community, and it will allow the 11am congregation to witness the strength and growth of the faith of our soon-to-be fully initiated Catholics! Also, at the opening Mass for the confirmation program, on Oct. 4th, OLM will be graced with talents of the Straight and Narrow Choir.