Each year, our Cherub Choir leads the singing at our 4:00 Mass on Christmas Eve. This choir is made up of children who are enrolled in grades 1, 2 and 3 in our religious education program, or parish children who are enrolled in area Catholic schools. Rehearsals commence on Thursday, November 3rd from 4:30-5:15, and continue each Thursday until Christmas, with the exception of November 10th (teacher’s convention) and November 24 (Thanksgiving Day). If your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grader is a singer, this is their ministry. This is their way to serve their Church community. Plus, it is a good way for them to learn the traditional Christmas carols of our faith, such as Silent Night and Joy to the World, and perhaps pass them along to other family members. If you would like your singer to participate in the Cherub Choir, and you have not done so already, please contact Michael Pierce by e-mail ([email protected]) or phone and leave a message (973-838-2029). He will get back to you promptly.