Hello all Chili Makers and OLM Parishioners! The Sharkeys recently delivered 41 trays of chili recently to the Fr. English Food Pantry in Paterson. While there Carlos Roldan, the director of the Food Pantry relayed a story that everyone at OLM should hear. Prior to the pandemic, he was giving a tray of chili to a woman he recognized as having picked up one the week before. So he said he guessed she liked it. She explained that she was homeless and that she and several other homeless people were able to heat it up and share it. She said that of all the food donations they receive this meant the most because someone cared enough to go through the trouble to make it. She said it made them feel special, like someone really did care about them. Carlos said he thinks of that every time OLM brings a chili delivery and how much it means to so many people. He extends his thanks on behalf of all of their patrons to you. In addition, Carlos showed the team the new shelves they were stocking which were donated and installed by the OLM Knights of Columbus. They were thrilled with the new shelves which were set up in the area where they sort and package items to be delivered to local seniors. They said the way they can now organize the supplies will make their process much easier. So THANK YOU to all of our dedicated chili makers, the OLM Knights of Columbus and all from OLM who support the Fr. English Food Pantry. If there is anyone who has not yet participated in chili making but would like to participate, please contact Marylin Koziol at [email protected] or (973) 492-8125. Please call Ray Duplain at (201) 741-4073 if you are interested in joining the Knights. Thanks so much to all of you. You are making a difference!!