Dear Msgr. Carroll, I cannot begin to fully express how very grateful I am for the wonderful generosity of your parishioners. I helped unpack the bags of gifts & toys, which were collected with the organization of Mrs. Chris Carafello and the Social Concerns. Without your assistance, we would not be able to accomplish all that we provide for these needy families and their children every year. Believe me, I am there and can attest to their excitement and joy when they pick out a gift for their parents, brother or sister, etc. with tickets they earned throughout the year. Without their help, this would not be possible. On behalf of all the parents and children of the Learning Center at Martin DePorres, we thank you. And with all of our hearts, we promise to keep you all in our daily prayers. God bless and keep you. Gratefully, Sr. Christina Schoen, FSP, Youth Director