Dear Friends of Catholic Family and Community Services, Your overwhelming generosity to our CFCS 2015 “Christmas Sled Program,” enabled us to distribute over 11,000 Christmas gifts. Our staff and volunteers are always overwhelmed by your generosity. The parents are especially excited to know their children will have a happy Christmas. On behalf of our clients, staff and Board of Trustees, I gratefully acknowledge your generosity and for making Christmas a happy memory for so many people served by Catholic Charities. We appreciate your continued support and may God continue to bless you in 2016! Sincerely, Diane Silbernagel, RN, MSN, Exec. Director
There IS class on Monday, 2/1, even though there is a half day on the public school calendar. Reminder for all winter and summer program families - please make every effort to attend services with your children on Ash Wednesday.
Please join our Baptism Prep team. Once a month, a session is held for couples who are requesting baptism for their child. Sessions are held in the home (or the rectory) of the facilitator. A team member is assigned one or two months out of the year which is approximately 1 hour where the team member plays a video for families and supply refreshments. This year, our team is in need of facilitators for February, April and December. This is a wonderful ministry to meet the newest members of the Catholic Church. Baptism team are instrumental in this important time of preparation. Please call the rectory at 973-838-6838 x103.
Eva’s Village would like to extend a special heartfelt thank you to Kathy and Joe Gravino and all of the other volunteers who braved the snow on January 24 to feed the homeless and working poor in our Community Kitchen. Your dedication to our mission and our kitchen guests is an inspiration. Sincerely, Liz Matthews, Eva’s Village
The Knights of Columbus would like to recognize the first round winners of our annual basketball free throw contest. Girls: Julie Schuckalo (10 yrs), Corrine Stack (12 yrs) Grace Frawley (13 yrs) Boys: Will Portman (9 yrs.), Robert Portman (10 Yrs.), Matt Armstrong (11 Yrs.), Jake D’Angelo (12 yrs.), Caden Giordano (13 yrs.), Robert Lewit (14 yrs.) The second round for these winners of the tournament will be held on February 13, 2016 @ 9:15 A.M. at Lewis Gymnasium in the Reverend Brown School, 294 Sparta Ave., Sparta, New Jersey. Good luck to you all!
Attending daily Mass is a wonderful practice during Lent. In addition to the 8:15am Mass, there will be an evening Mass at 7pm every weekday in the Chapel beginning Feb. 11. On Fridays of Lent, Stations of the Cross will follow the 7pm Mass. Please come; it is a little hard at the beginning but it gets easier as the weeks go by.
If you have not yet done so and plan to attend, please RSVP for the Volunteers Dinner by Monday, January 25th. We need to place an order for the food. All active members of any OLM ministry or group are invited. If you are a participating member or know of someone who is and did not receive an invitation call the Rectory 973-838-6838 ext. 103
To reach someone in the parish office, need a Mass card, baptism, wedding or cemetery information please note our office hours have changed slightly. If you need a priest, please call the office phone number at any time and follow the prompts. 973-838-6838. Monday – Thursday – 8:30am – 6pm Friday – 8:30am – 4pm Saturday – 9am – 5pm
Tues., March 1, 2016, 7pm - Morris Catholic HS, Denville Thurs., March 17, 2016, 7pm - Pope John Paul XXIII, Sparta If you are a young man in HS, college, or even older, come join Bishop Serratelli and priests from the Diocese of Paterson for adoration, reflection, fellowship and of course, pizza. For info please contact the Vocation Office at 973-777-8818, X 711.
Gentle Reminder: Summer and Winter Programs, 5th graders will be taking the Diocesan Assessment (ACRE) on Sunday, 1/24 at 10:15am and the 8th graders will be taking the ACRE on Monday, 1/25 at 7:15pm. Please make every effort to have your child attend on their specific date and time.
On February 9th Eva’s Village will host its quarterly community tour beginning promptly at 10:30am. The tour is open to anyone who wants to learn more about Eva’s Village and its efforts to comprehensively care for the homeless, hungry and poor in the Paterson and surrounding Passaic County communities. To reserve your space, contact Jason Patterson, Gov’t. & Community Relations Specialist, at (973) 523-6220 ext. 226 or via email at [email protected].
Please come to adore Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament and pray for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and for the unborn on Thursday, Jan. 21 from 7:30 to 8:30pm in the Chapel.
Dear Msgr. Carroll, I cannot begin to fully express how very grateful I am for your leadership and the wonderful generosity of your parishioners. Thank you for the bags of gifts and toys which were collected by the organization of Christine Carafello. The children were so excited when they picked out a gift for their parents, brother or sister with the tickets they earned throughout the year. On behalf of the parents and children of the Catholic Charities Martin dePorres Learning Center, we thank you. Gratefully, Sister Christina Schoen, FSP