From the Latin word adventus, Advent means “arrival” or “coming” of Jesus as human into the world. Are you ready? This season of grace begins this Sunday. It isn’t about rushing about or adding to the list of things to do. It is a special time of joyful anticipation, a time of waiting for the Christ Child. What are you doing for Advent this year? What would Advent be like if you decided to set aside 10 minutes a day for quiet prayer? You could even break the ten minutes up into smaller segments throughout your day. This special prayer time will help you to be more focused on the true meaning of this season as you prepare a place in your heart for the coming of the Christ Child. After Christmas, you may find that you want to continue the quiet intimacy of prayer with our Lord. You might just want to make this your New Year’s Resolution! SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION – Every Monday in Advent – Nov. 28th; Dec. 5th, 12th, and 19th from 7 to 8:30pm and every Saturday, 4 to 5pm.
Once again Morrison’s Funeral Home has donated Catholic Calendars, enough for one per family. They are on a table in both the Chapel and the Church so please take one. Thank you, Lisa Morrison!
if your phone number, email address or any other contact information has changed, don’t forget to update us by emailing us at [email protected]. Thank you!
Donations of frozen turkeys will be gratefully accepted for Martin DePorres and Catholic Charities Fr. English Christmas dinners. Turkeys may be brought to the rectory through Tuesday, December 20th. For questions, please call Christine Carafello at 973-768-9779.
Only one week left to get your gift for the kids! UNWRAPPED GIFTS are due back by Sun. Dec. 4th. As always, your participation and generosity will be appreciated by the children of the Catholic Charities’ Fr. English and Martin dePorres Centers in Paterson!
WE THANK GOD, FOR ALL OUR PARISHIONERS Our traditional Thanksgiving Mass is on Thursday, Nov. 24th at 9:00 am in the church. It is a great way to start Thanksgiving Day. Take a break from cooking and preparing to give thanks to God for his many blessings. May you and yours be blessed on Thanksgiving Day, and throughout the rest of the year.
The office will be closed on Thurs. Nov. 24th and Fri., Nov. 25th. If you need to reach a priest please call 973-838-6838 and then dial “0” (or call Msgr’s cell at 973-713-3746).
Once in a while a Eucharistic Minister is unable to serve at an assignment. The procedure is to try to find a replacement from the list of ministers or inform Mary Ann Garibaldi or Lori Covello that no one is available. This way they can try to find someone to fill in. Otherwise no one is aware of the problem until it is time to serve. A little planning goes a long way. Thank you.
Thank you to Jarod Cohen for appealing for altar servers. He got a couple of volunteers but many more are needed. If you are interested and your child is in at least 4th grade please tell Fr. Lukasz.
Please notice the new landscaping in the front of the Chapel. It was done by Chris Subliskey as an Eagle Scout Project under the direction of our landscaper, Rob Rizzo, Lone Oak Landscaping. Chris and his brother scouts did a fine job. Thank you! In addition, the corners of the Chapel were repointed due to age and weathering. It was a costly project, but it should last for many years. Our Chapel is looking more beautiful than ever!
On Sunday, December 11th at 7:30pm, OLM will present an extraordinary evening of music featuring The Christmas Festival Orchestra of New Jersey and Grammy Nominee Judy Pancost. There are a variety of sponsorship contribution levels available to help to support this community event. Please contact John Ramsden, 973-519-3992.
If you haven’t already taken a tag from the Giving Tree, please do so. UNWRAPPED GIFTS are due back by Sun. Dec. 4th. As always, your participation and generosity will be appreciated by the children of the Catholic Charities’ Fr. English and Martin dePorres Centers in Paterson!
Nov. 29th, 7:30pm, Ryan Rm. - OLM parishioner, Joe Santiso has completed his arduous 487.5 mile pilgrimage to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Joe will give an inspiring presentation on what motivated him, what he experienced and what he foresees as the lasting effects of his pilgrimage. Please confirm attendance at [email protected].
4GET ME NOT weekend is November 26th-27th. The need to replace non-perishable food will be great. Please help our 5000-a-month needy families with your donation. Thank you for your continued generosity!
We are in the process of replacing half of the school roof (the part over the gym and the auditorium) at a cost of $57,000. In addition, we have had to replace some of the stone masonry work on the chapel for $18,000. Please help us if you can. Thank you.
Families are invited to attend the Thanksgiving Svs. at the Reformed Church of Kinnelon, 155 Kinnelon Rd., Sunday, Nov. 20th at 7:00pm. A non-perishable food item for the Kinnelon food pantry would be appreciated. Anyone who would like to sing in the choir should contact Arlene Mireop the parish music director [email protected]. Refreshments served.
Donations of frozen turkeys will be gratefully accepted for Martin DePorres and Catholic Charities Fr. English Thanksgiving dinners. Turkeys may be brought to the rectory through Monday, November 21st. For questions, please call Christine Carafello at 973-768-9779.
The Christmas Giving Tree is up in the narthex of the church this weekend, November 12th & 13th with gift tags for the children at the Catholic Charities Fr. English and Martin DePorres Centers. UNWRAPPED Gifts are due back by Dec. 4. As always, your participation and generosity is much appreciated!