Every once in a while parishioners need to be reminded to park in designated spaces which may or may not be right next to the Church doors. Why the fuss, you ask? Emergency vehicles cannot get in or out with cars parked along the curbs on both sides of the roads. This applies to the Church and the Chapel.
The City of Paterson together with Passaic County Community College and the NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice is hosting a Citizenship Outreach Campaign in February. They will provide free immigrant attorney services and volunteers to help fill out citizenship application forms. Contact and more information is available on the bulletin board in the narthex.
All Eucharistic Ministers are asked to attend a meeting on February 8th, at 7:00pm in the church to review revised procedures. Monsignor, Fr Lukasz, and Omar will be joining us. If you are unable to attend please contact us. Marianne Garibaldi 201-403-4216 [email protected] Lori Covello 201-874-7403 [email protected]
Our Eva’s Kitchen commitment is Sat., Feb. 4th. Anyone wishing to volunteer please take a pan/recipe and cross your name off, or add your name to, the volunteer list. Please drop off frozen casserole at OLM parking lot between 8:30-8:45 on Sat., Feb. 4th. Questions call Kathy/Joe Gravino at 973-830-0559. Thank you.
There will be a meeting of divorced and separated men in the Ryan Room of the church on Tuesday, January 31 at 7:30pm. If you are interested please call the rectory or Claudette Meehan at 973-441-9660.
Mass intentions are available for deceased relatives and friends. Beginning Ash Wed., March 1st, and throughout Lent, there will be two Masses offered Monday through Friday, 8:15am and 7pm, both in the Chapel. Call Lauri 973-838-6838 ext. 103.
An Intergalactic Evening for our STAR VOLUNTEERS! If you have volunteered for a ministry or committee you and a guest are welcome to attend on January 28th – 6pm in the school. Please RSVP on the sheets in the narthex, or call the office 973-838-6838 ext. 103 or [email protected]. We need to have a response by Monday, Jan. 23rd at noon to order food! Thank you.
Did you receive something for Christmas that you just can't use? Did you overbuy and lose the receipt? Do you have "Orphan Christmas Gifts" sitting on your counter? Sister Christina at the Martin dePorres Learning Center in Paterson uses an earned ticket reward system to motivate the children to be responsible students and helping Christians. The kids are rewarded with tickets when they are caught doing a good deed, improving their grades, and working hard. They are then able to use the tickets to purchase" items from Sister Christina's gift room to give to family members for family birthdays, Valentine's Day, Christmas and Mothers' or Fathers' Day. Please consider donating your orphaned gifts. There will be a bin in the Narthex marked "Learning Center Gifts" through February 5. Thank you so much for your continued support. Questions? Call Christine Carafello at 973 768 9779.
The Eva’s kitchen commitment for OLM is Saturday, Feb. 4th. Anyone wishing to volunteer to cook please take a pan/recipe and cross your name off or add your name to the volunteer list. Please drop off frozen casserole at OLM parking lot between 8:30-8:45 on Saturday, February 4th. Thank you. Any questions call Kathy and Joe Gravino at 973-830-0559.
The Ladies Guild is looking for families to host Hospitality after the 9am Mass. There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex with available dates. You’ll be mailed a supply list and will have support in the kitchen the day of your obligation. If you haven’t volunteered before please consider doing so. Contact Carla Gear with any questions at 973-283-8146.
There will be a meeting of divorced and separated men in the Ryan Room of the church on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:30pm. If you are interested please call the rectory or Claudette Meehan at 973-441-9660.
There are plenty of opportunities for Masses to be offered for deceased relatives and friends during January & February. Beginning on Ash Wed., March 1st, and throughout Lent, there will be two Masses offered Monday through Friday, 8:15am as usual and 7pm in the evening. All of these Masses are available for intentions so call Lauri in the rectory to book a Mass or drop in if you are in the area.
Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017, 9:30am - 1:30pm, for the always popular Women’s Day of Reflection. This mini-retreat is a great way to enhance your Lenten journey with the over 90 women of our parish and beyond. A light breakfast and a soup lunch will be served along with a wonderful speaker, Jan Figenshu, who is on staff at St. Vincent Martyr Parish in Madison. The theme for the day will be Who Are Mary’s Role Models that encouraged her to say YES?
This Sun., Jan. 8 at our 11am Mass, the MEN AND WOMEN FROM STRAIGHT & NARROW will join us to celebrate our Liturgy. Straight & Narrow is a human service agency of the Diocese of Paterson Catholic Charities. Thanks to the treatment and facilities offered by Straight & Narrow, these men and women, whose lives were once broken by addiction, are now on their way to living wholesome and productive lives as enthusiastic contributors to society. You’ll hear that optimism, determination and gratitude in the way they give Praise to the Lord.
Thank you to those who have already generously contributed. Our Christmas collection to date is $101,300, still slightly below our budget for the year.
On the weekend of January 14-15th, parishioners may take home any of the poinsettia plants in the church/chapel. We thank those who donated them in memory of a loved one.
The Colgate Resolutions, an a capella singing group from Colgate University, will be performing a concert on Sunday, January 15th, at 7:00 pm right here at Our Lady of the Magnificat Church. The group is made up of about 20 students ranging from freshmen to seniors from a variety of majors. It is completely organized and directed by students. This year they are visiting Kinnelon as a part of their January Northeast tour, where they are reuniting with Kevin Yapaola, an alumnus who graduated in 2016. This will be a wonderful experience for all, especially those middle school and high school students who sing in the school chorus or the choir here at church.
Dear Msgr. Carroll, I cannot begin to fully express how very grateful I am for the wonderful generosity of your parishioners. I helped unpack the bags of gifts & toys, which were collected with the organization of Mrs. Chris Carafello and the Social Concerns. Without your assistance, we would not be able to accomplish all that we provide for these needy families and their children every year. Believe me, I am there and can attest to their excitement and joy when they pick out a gift for their parents, brother or sister, etc. with tickets they earned throughout the year. Without their help, this would not be possible. On behalf of all the parents and children of the Learning Center at Martin DePorres, we thank you. And with all of our hearts, we promise to keep you all in our daily prayers. God bless and keep you. Gratefully, Sr. Christina Schoen, FSP, Youth Director