Thursday, November 1st - The Feast of All Saints is a holy day of obligation. A Mass to honor all saints will be celebrated at 8:15 am in the chapel and 7:30 pm in the church.
Friday, November 2nd - The day after All Saints Day is All Souls Day. It is not a holy day of obligation but it is a special day when Catholics pray for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed. In addition to 8:15 am Mass in the Chapel, there will be a Mass of Memories at 7:30pm in the church. All are invited to attend and pray for your deceased loved ones. All Soul’s envelopes with the names of your relatives and friends may be placed either in the box so marked on a table in the narthex or in any of the collections. Donations have been removed, and the envelopes will be placed on the altar in remembrance during November
There is still time to sponsor someone for the walk or you can sponsor yourself. It begins at 1:30pm at St. Joseph Church on Comly Rd. in Lincoln Park. Msgr. Carroll is walking if you would like to sponsor him. Contact John Ramsden at 973-519-3992, ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
We will conduct a follow-up to the in-pew commitment last weekend. Pledge cards are available in the pews for your convenience. If you haven’t had a chance to do so, we will encourage you complete a pledge card during Mass. Please place it in the collection or give to an usher after Mass. Thanks.
There are growing empty spots in the shelves of the Fr. English Food Pantry especially for pasta, rice and tomatoes. Please leave non- perishable food in the Church vestibule next weekend to help us feed the working poor families in Paterson.
RISE will be selling JUMBO chocolate dipped marshmallow treats after masses the weekend of Oct. 27 & 28. They are available in milk or dark chocolate with festive candy pieces or a delicious crunchy S'more coating. Get yours for $2 each or 3 for $5. Don't miss out on this Spooktacular treat. Thank you for supporting the teens of RISE for our 2019 mission trip.
Celebrating the joyful sounds of Christmas on December 16, 2018. For the first-time, OLM is excited to spotlight the ENCORE ORCHESTRA OF NEW JERSEY and special guest, Tony Award nominated Willy Falk. For more information on sponsorships and tickets to this enchanting musical evening visit our website at
Protecting God’s Children training was rescheduled for Oct. 30 at 7 PM in the Ryan Room. If you work with the children of our parish and have not yet had this training, you need to do so. Register at
The Thanksgiving Food Drive is underway! Many thanks to all our CCD and Confirmation classes for their generous donations; the food will be distributed to local families. 13 holiday food baskets will be made and hundreds of food items will be collected and delivered to the Catholic Charities Father English Center in Paterson. We are always in need of donations, Stop & Shop, Walmart and Target gift cards. If you are interested in being put on our "Caring List" please email Melissa Giacoio at [email protected] or 973-838-2393. Thank you to our "helpers" - your continued kindness and support makes this all so special. Have a blessed Thanksgiving! Melissa Giacoio
Please take the time to read the Parish Financial Report for 2017-18 inserted into this bulletin and on our website. It is interesting and informative! Thank you to our Parish Finance Council for all their support and guidance throughout the year.
Our Cherub Choir is made up of parish children in grades 1, 2, and 3, who sing at our 4pm Mass on Christmas Eve. Rehearsals begin on Thurs., Nov. 1st, from 4:30-5:15, and will continue each Thurs., until Christmas Eve (No Practice on Nov. 9th and 23rd) Children will learn traditional Christian carols as well as a few special songs. For more information please see Michael Pierce after Mass.
Next weekend is 4 Get Me Not Sunday. There are growing empty spots in the shelves of the Fr. English Food Pantry especially for pasta, rice and tomatoes. Please leave non- perishable food in the Church vestibule next weekend to help us feed the working poor families in Paterson.
Join a journey to heal your mind, body and spirit and find peace. Remember the grief is evidence of your love and this journey will help heal the pain of loss. Join us every Wednesday starting November 7th, 7 to 9pm in the Parish House. To be facilitated by Cathy O’Dougherty, certified in Grief, Hospice and Palliative Care. For more info call 973-713-9793 or email [email protected].
Sunday, October 28th. Registration will be at 1pm in St. Joseph’s Church Hall, Comly Rd., Lincoln Park. The walk begins at 1:30 pm. Please consider walking, making a donation, or sponsoring a walker. Be part of the OLM team fighting hunger. Sign up forms are available in the narthex after Mass. Contact John Ramsden at 973-519-3992, ([email protected]) if you have any questions.
This Sunday, Oct. 7, is Respect Life Sunday. We will be ringing our Church bells at 3pm on Sunday and we invite you all to say a prayer for life at that time. See page five of this bulletin for the prayer and more details.
The parish offices are open for business on Monday. It’s a good day to schedule some Masses for relatives and friends either living or deceased. Happy Columbus Day!