Would you like to be part of the new Young Adult Ministry? The first meeting will be held in September with more information to follow. Come and share your ideas and help plan interesting trips and experiences for single individuals ages 21-39. For information email Lindsay Bednarz [email protected] or Caitlin Byrne [email protected].
Since we did not celebrate Memorial Day with Mass in the cemetery, we thought we would have Mass in the cemetery at 9:00 AM on July 4th in gratitude for our independence as well as in memory of our deceased relatives and friends especially those buried in our cemetery. If the weather is inclement, we will celebrate in Church. The portable altar has been refurbished by our custodian, Fernando Gomez and Bill O’Brien. Thank you!!! NOTE: The parish office will be closed on July 4th in observance.
A Eucharistic Minister recently mentioned that an adult received the Host in her hand but did not consume it immediately. It appeared as if she carried it to her pew and then put it in her mouth. If you receive Holy Communion in your hand that is with one hand on top of the other you are to immediately take it with the other hand and place it in your mouth before walking away from the priest or the Eucharistic Minister. Why is this so important? Some people do not know how to receive communion either because they are not Catholic or because they do not know or believe that the host is the Body of Jesus. They should be instructed to either remain in their pew at Communion time or if they follow the person in front of them, they should cross arms across their chest for a blessing instead of a consecrated host. What should I do if I find a host in a pew or hymnal or on the floor? If you do not wish to consume it, give it to a priest or deacon, a Eucharistic minister or usher who will give it to a priest.
After attending 7:30 am Mass and a special blessing, members of the R.I.S.E. team departed for a week in Painted Post, NY to help those less fortunate.
What a blessing to have so many of you volunteer to be Catechists! We need just THREE more people to help out. We need two 5th grade catechists/teachers on Sunday for the 5th Gr. class and we need one catechist for the 8th Gr. class on Sundays, which only meets 2x a month. You know you’ve been on the fence about helping in this ministry. NOW is your time to act! Contact Mary at [email protected].
This weekend is 4Get Me Not weekend. Summer means children are out of school and don't have access to lunches and, in some cases, breakfast at school. This means more food is needed at home. Please help with donations of non-perishable food in the Church vestibule this weekend.
Please keep the members of the R.I.S.E. Ministry in your prayers this week, that they have a safe and productive trip helping those less fortunate, in Painted Post, NY. They leave on June 24th and return on June 30th.
We need your help in our Rel. Ed. program. We are so fortunate to have such wonderful students. If you teach in the upcoming 2018-2019 school year, you will be blessed beyond what you can think of and learn a lot too. And you’ll be a part of a really awesome group of people. So think about it, pray about it, and please consider teaching in Sept. More info email [email protected]. Thanks, Mary R.
Family & friends of Paul & Betty Klass are invited to join their daughters Patty & Kathy for the committal service at 10:30am and repast immediately following in the Ryan Room.
This is the last weekend for displaying the ministries of the parish but parishioners who wish to sign up for a particular ministry may do so at any time. Brochures will be available on one of the tables in the narthex and many of them have contact information. If by chance you cannot connect, call the rectory and we will help you out.
There is a very faithful parishioner who resides on Green Hill Rd. and who may need a ride occasionally to 11 am Mass on Sunday. If you would like to help, please call the rectory.
We take the opportunity to congratulate all our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers on this special day. May God bless you with good health and much happiness today and every day.
There were 13 relatives from Columbia of which 7 had to travel to Bogota twice to get their travel visas. Those flights for Fr. Yohan’s parents and two round trip tickets to the United States and Fr. Yohan’s round trip ticket to Columbia and back cost $3,517. A discounted van which transported all 13 of them to Kinnelon, back to Kennedy and to places they wanted to visit cost $750. There were two catered receptions, a small one in the rectory the day of the Ordination for $419 and the parish reception after the first Mass on Sunday for 256 people in our Conor Community Center for $5,026. The grand total was $9,712. Eight or nine persons slept in the rectory and the rest in a parishioner’s home for 9 nights at no charge.
Next weekend is 4Get Me Not weekend. Summer means children are out of school and don't have access to lunches and in some cases, breakfast at school. This means more food is needed at home. Please help with donations of nonperishable food in the Church vestibule next weekend.
Registration e-forms for the Sept. 2018-2019 school years are PAST DUE! If you have a new student entering 1st Grade or any other grade, please contact the Rel. Ed. office
Fr. Yohan Serrano has been assigned as the Parochial Vicar of St. Lawrence Church in Chester, NJ. He will report for duty on June 29th. Meanwhile, he is partying and rejoicing in Columbia!
Thank you to Bill Timpanaro and the golf committee for another wonderful day at Rockaway River Country Club. The prayers of Msgr. Carroll and the parish were answered as the weather cooperated and gave a nice day. The cocktail hour and dinner were great! We will report the profits to OLM shortly. Thanks to all who supported the event! See you next year!
There are a few golf umbrellas left in the Narthex if anyone needs a new one. Our cost was $20 each….freewill donations will be accepted in the bucket on the table if you are interested.
Congratulations to those five young men who became Eagle Scouts last Sunday. We are proud of you and wish you continued success in life. Congratulations to our parishioners who graduated from Grade School, High School, College and Grad School! God Bless You!