Did you know that once a month The Third Order Carmelites meet here at OLM? Is Our Lady calling you to her Immaculate Heart where she leads you closer to her Son, Jesus? Our first meeting is Sept. 16 at 12 p.m. in the Ryan Room. Gentlemen and Ladies, you are invited to experience the Carmelite Spirit. For more information, call Carol Mangani at 973-283-2218.
Bill Daniels will be this year’s recipient of the annual Vivere Christus Award granted by Bishop Serratelli on Sept. 9 at St. John’s Cathedral. We congratulate Bill and his family for the many hours of dedicated ministry to the youth of our parish.
Our Bible Study group will meet on Wednesdays, beginning on Sept. 12 at 12:45pm in the Ryan Room. For information please contact Mary Jane Hojell at 973-492-1780.
Join us at St. Peter the Apostle Church, 179 Baldwin Rd., Parsippany, NJ on Thursday, Sept. 20, 8:30am to 6:30pm, Mass in honor of St. Padre Pio at 7pm. For info call 973-334-2090 or email [email protected]
2nd Collection This Weekend We welcome to our community Fr. Kilian Tereba, a priest of the Diocese of Kigoma. He is stationed in the Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio. A second collection will be for his Missionary apostolate
Bill Daniels will be this year’s recipient of the annual Vivere Christus Award granted by Bishop Serratelli on Sept. 9 at St. John’s Cathedral. We congratulate Bill and his family for the many hours of dedicated ministry to the youth of our parish.
“Under the Tents” Sign up sheets for the parish picnic on Sept. 9TH are in the narthex. The 11 a.m. Mass will pay tribute to those who either died or were injured on 9/11. Don’t eat any breakfast because there will be plenty of food, drink, games, bouncy house and a magician. Your ticket is to bring a dessert!
Our parish Junior Choir is made up of singers who are enrolled in grades 4-8 of our Rel. Ed. program. Rehearsals begin on Tues., Sept. 4th, from 4:30-5:30pm and they will join the Senior Choir at the parish picnic Mass at 11:00 on Sun., Sept. 9th. On the following Sundays they will sing at the 9:00 am Mass. Please encourage your singers to join.
If you are currently an usher, or would like to join our Ministry, please forward your name, email and text info, and the best Mass for you. I would appreciate it as I am consolidating information to create a revised list for improving communication/Mass coverage. If interested in joining, I’ll contact you to review the details of our Ministry and answer any questions. Thank you, Bob Morrisroe, [email protected] or 201-803-7768.
Our Bible Study group will be meeting on Wednesdays, beginning on Sept. 12 at 12:45pm in the Ryan Room. For information please contact Mary Jane Hojell at 973-492-1780.
This weekend is 4Get Me Not weekend. The Fr. English Food Pantry has been serving 80 to 100 families per week this summer. We are especially in need of soup, pasta and rice. Please leave non-perishable food in the church vestibule.
Dear Msgr. Carroll, The residents, staff and volunteers of Good Counsel, sincerely thank you for inviting us back to share the mission of Good Counsel with OLM parishioners. Allowing Good Counsel to share how their support will help our mothers and babies gives the parishioners the witness to do what God asks us to do – to simply feed the hungry and clothe the naked. Your support allows our mothers to have hope for a future. It is clear your parishioners are so very grateful for the chance you have given them to support our home once again this year. We collected over $700 before even leaving the church! We are humbled by the generosity of your parish!
2nd Collection Next Weekend Please welcome Rev. Kiliam Tereba from the Diocese of Kigoma. Tanzania. He will be speaking to the OLM congregation on August 25th & 26th about missionaries and their good works.
The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring an Oktoberfest & Comedy Night on Sat., Sept. 22 at the OLM auditorium. Doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts at 8:30 p.m. Enjoy German food and beer, Om-pa-pa and professional comedians. Tickets are $45 and can be obtained by calling Anthony at 973-886-8942.
We welcome the residents of St. Joseph Home for the Elderly and the Little Sisters of the Poor in Totowa, NJ as well as local seniors who will be here for lunch and bingo this Monday, Aug. 20. The members of the Ladies Guild have planned a delicious lunch including ice cream desserts supplied by Art Anastasia.
The Assumption of The Blessed Virgin Mary The feast of the Assumption, Wednesday, August 15th is a holy day for all Catholics in the United States. There will be no vigil Mass. Masses will be held Aug. 15th at 8:15 am in the Chapel and 7:30pm in the Church Mass. Your presence would honor the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thank you to the following volunteers who helped to serve at Eva’s Kitchen on Saturday, August 4th, 2018: Kenny Mertz, Mary Smith, Pat Brinks, Eileen Donnelly, Barbara McGill Rudolph, and Joe Coralluzzo. In addition, thank you for all the volunteers who cooked the chicken casserole that helped to serve approximately 150 people.
This weekend we welcome Debbie DuHaime, speaking on behalf of Good Counsel Homes at all Masses. Good Counsel operates Catholic homes for homeless pregnant women and their babies and a national toll-free help line (800-723-8331). Baby bottles will be distributed to fill to assist their valuable pro-life ministry. For more information or to donate online please go to www.goodcounselhomes.org. Also, to help spread the word LIKE Good Counsel Homes on Facebook or follow on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram. Good Counsel also offers hope and healing for those who are suffering after abortion. Lumina, which means light, offers help for men, women and siblings who are feeling pain because of an abortion in their life or family. Confidential, compassionate help may be found for anyone at 1.877.Lumina.1 (1.877.586.4621) or at www.LuminaHope.org or www.PostAbortionHelp.org