To all who prayed for Dulio ‘Al’ Alvino, made a call, went to his wake and/or participated in his funeral, please accept our most sincere and heartfelt thanks. Al was a unique person and we loved him. Charlotte, Roberta and the Alvino family.
Please return filled cartons and place them in the large box marked “Rice Bowls” in the narthex. God Bless you for your generosity supporting Catholic Relief Services in helping families in poverty around the world.
The 47th Annual Msgr. John R. Ryan Golf Outing is scheduled for Monday, June 3rd at Rockaway River Country Club, Denville. Foursomes are sold-out please call if you would like to purchase a Sponsorship - George Casagrand 973-632-0294.
Kathy and Joe Gravino will be stepping down from Eva’s Kitchen, so we are in need of a volunteer to lead this great ministry beginning January, 2020. If interested please call the rectory office. For information about Eva’s Kitchen Ministry call 1-973-830-0560.
Join us for breakfast to support parishioner Dick Quinn on May 19th after all Masses. The Knights of Columbus will be hosting this benefit breakfast to assist the Quinn family during there time of need. Hope to see you all there.
After so many months of preparation, our candidate Gabriela Sartorio, celebrated her full reception into the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. She is now a fully initiated Catholic. We congratulate her and her family on this holy and happy occasion. Please pray for her as she continues her journey through the period known as “Mystagogia”. Join us as we celebrate with her on May 4th at the 5pm Neophyte Mass.
Easter flowers will arrive at the Church at approximately 8am. Volunteers are needed to help transfer the flowers to the church/chapel. Your help is greatly appreciated…Thank you!
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday when the Church celebrates the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem. Palms are blessed and distributed to parishioners as they participate in this celebration. The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ is recited. Monday, April 15TH – 6:45pm, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Paterson, Bishop Serratelli will bless the Holy Oils to be used by all parishes. All are welcome to attend at 6:45pm.
These three days of Holy Week are one continuous celebration of our salvation. They begin with Holy Thursday and end with the Easter Vigil. Parishioners are invited to attend all three days of the Triduum. On Holy Thursday, parishioners are invited to bring bells to the Mass of the Lord’s Supper and ring them during the singing of the Gloria. After Mass there will be a procession to the Chapel where the Blessed Sacrament will be reserved until midnight for adoration. On Good Friday, confessions will be heard from 12noon until 1:30pm before the celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Death at 3pm. In the evening the Stations of the Cross will be recited. On Saturday after sundown at 7:30pm, the Easter Vigil will commemorate the Resurrection of Christ. At this celebration we will welcome new members into the Catholic faith.
The Fr. English Food Pantry, after months of partial function, is up and running as a People's Choice Food Pantry. Needy clients are afforded the dignity of selecting from available foods, those preferred by their families, rather than handed a prefilled bag. Our support enables this service to continue. Please help by donating non-perishable food April 27-28. Donations can be left in the vestibule of the Church.
The Teens of our parish shared their gifts and talents as they reenacted the Living Stations of the Cross for our parish. They gave so freely of themselves; stage crew, lighting, singers, musicians, and the actors. What a blessed parish we have! PLEASE CLICK THE HEADLINE ABOVE FOR A LINK TO PHOTOS OF THE EVENT
This solemn week which Catholics call Holy Week begins with Mass on Palm Sunday. On Holy Thursday of the week we celebrate the institution of the holy Eucharist and the Priesthood. On Good Friday, it is the celebration of the Lord’s Passion and Death and on the vigil of Easter, The Resurrection of Christ. Please try to attend all these Services and bring the family.
To honor a custom of our Polish Parishioners we will bless Easter Baskets on Holy Saturday, April 20 at 12:30pm in the Church. All are welcome. To learn more about this Easter custom visit
The 46th Annual Msgr. John R. Ryan Golf Outing is scheduled for Monday, June 3rd at Rockaway River Country Club. Reserve your foursome NOW call George Casagrand 973-632-0294.