If your child is a singer, we need them in the Christmas Cherub Choir. This is a wonderful way for the children to learn the traditional, sacred Christmas carols, such as Silent Night, Joy to the World, Away in a Manger, and O Come, All Ye Faithful, as well as a few more contemporary Christmas songs. The Cherub Choir is made up of children in grades 1 – 3. Rehearsing for Christmas Eve Mass will be on Wednesdays, beginning Nov. 10, from 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Please see Michael Pierce after Mass for more details or call 973-830-9806.
The Junior Choir is made up singers 4th - 8th grades. Michael Pierce, our parish musician, would like to try a short-term goal choir. Let’s have a choir at the 9:00 Mass on Sundays for the seasons on Advent and Christmas and see how things work out. Please see Michael Pierce after Mass for more details or call 973-830-9806.
• R.I.S.E. will hold their Christmas Wreath Fundraiser. We will be taking orders for wreaths. Order forms will be in the narthex and on the parish website. Wreath orders must be in to the Parish or emailed by Nov. 3rd. Email your order to Julie Puccia at [email protected]
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29TH 12:30 – 7:00 PM (OLM CHURCH) SAVE TIME! PRE-REGISTER & RESERVE A TIME SLOT TODAY https://donor.cbsblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/54262 MORE INFO: Contact Ray Duplain at [email protected]
Gr. 7 & 8 Year 1 and Year 2 Conf. students’ class – Nov. 14, 21 Gr. 1-6 Monday classes for month of Nov. 08, 15, 22, 29 Gr. 1-6 Sunday classes for month of Nov. 14, 21
OCTOBER 31ST - 11:00 AM MASS At the 11am Mass, we will prayerfully remember those who have gone before us into the Lord’s Kingdom. We invite parishioners to light a remembrance candle and to bring a small photo which may be placed with the candle on a table in front of the Altar.
AWARDED TO KELLY & GEORGE CASAGRAND. On Sunday, October 17TH a special Mass will be celebrated at St. John’s Cathedral with Bishop Sweeney honoring parishioners throughout the diocese who have given of themselves to their parish and community. OLM has nominated Kelly and George Casagrand and we give thanks to them for providing OLM with such generous, compassionate, and self-sacrificing time, talents and efforts. For years, Kelly and George have been volunteering in numerous roles including OLM School, Father’s Club, Girls Basketball, Planning, Education, Finance Committees, Church Campaigns, Eucharistic Ministers, Lector, Knights, Beefsteaks, Golf Outing, Bishops Annual Appeal etc., etc., etc. With sincere gratitude may God continue to bless you both!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! NEW Fall & Winter Beautiful OLM Photo Note Cards will be available soon with five new images! Set of 10 notecards (two of each image) for $15. Great for holiday greetings, gift enclosures, thank you notes and correspondence cards. Reserve your notecards now by emailing Diane at [email protected].
R.I.S.E. is a week-long mission trip to upstate NY to help repair homes of those less fortunate and to make a difference in their lives as well as your own. Any 9th – 12th graders interested in finding out more about this amazing ministry are asked to contact Julie Puccia @ [email protected] NEXT WEEKEND - R.I.S.E. will hold their Christmas Wreath Fundraiser. We will be taking orders for wreaths after masses October 23&24. Order forms will be in the bulletin as well as in the narthex.
Admission Events Fall 2021 - Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, an all-girls, Catholic Independent school, grades 7-12 invites you to attend one of our Upper School Information Sessions. We are also hosting an on campus, Upper School Open House designed for students applying for the 22-23 school year. For more information and to register, please visit our website at www.oakknoll.org or call the Admission Office at 908-522-8109. Pre-registration for all events is required.
Did you know that St. Joseph is the Patron of the dying? A ministry has been formed to serve gravely ill patients and their families and to be a compassionate presence for the dying. If you have an interest in learning more about this ministry please call Fr. Marc Mancini at 973-790-0288 or Mame at 201-919-1800.
Restore the Domestic Church – Restore Society! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17 The Blue Army Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima 674 Mountain View Road East, Asbury, NJ Come enjoy a day of good old fashioned family fun and food. Join us in fundraising for the Blue Army Shrine and Inspire Family Center. The day begins at 11:30am with the Rosary followed by Holy Mass. At 1pm free chili and hotdogs will be served and an afternoon of family outdoor games. There will be a spiritual talk at 3pm with desserts afterward. Enjoy live Irish music throughout the day. For more info call Maria Woltorist 908-310-3733 or Dorothy Carollo 908-689-1700 x224.