FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION – February 3rd, 2023 8:15am Mass will be followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ending with Benediction at 5pm. FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY – February 4th, 2023 8:15am Mass will be followed by praying the rosary as Our Lady requested for the conversion of Russia.
In the spirit of Catholic Schools’ Week, we will continue to welcome students and families who have recently begun to consider a Catholic education with our rolling admissions process. We are also accepting transfer applications for grades 10 and 11 for the 2023-2024 year. Do not hesitate to reach out to our Admissions department if you would still like to experience a campus tour or shadow day. Contact [email protected] or 973-627-6674 ext. 322 for more information.
Come and see what joyful learning can look like for your child! Our Lady of Mount Carmel School will be hosting an Open House on Sunday, January 29th from 10am until 1pm. This is an informal, drop-in event at which you'll be able to meet our pastor, chat with our faculty and administration, and hear from parents what the OLMC experience means to them. Children are warmly welcome! For more information about OLMC visit
An OLM Knight of Columbus is ready to help with your transportation needs. He is available to help with a ride to/from the doctor, shopping, laundry or any other appointment you have scheduled. A one to two day notice would be appreciated to help alleviate any scheduling conflicts. If interested please contact John at 973-943-6914. God Bless
It is not too late to get your baby magnet to support Right to Life. There are magnets available in the back of the church with a basket to leave your donation. Over $200 was raised from the free will donations for magnets. The money raised will be donated to Life Net, Several Sources and Good Counsel. For more information contact Joe Coralluzzo @ 201-274-6688.
Fr. Steve will be assisting another parish from January 22nd – February 5th. During this time, he will be celebrating Mass at OLM on Sundays at 7:30AM & 6PM. Fr. Edward Lambro will be the Celebrant at the 5PM, 9:00AM & 11AM Masses. Thank you for your understanding.
Tickets are on sale after Masses and on the OLM website at Only 100 tix will be sold with 20 chances to win! There will be 5 monthly drawings beginning on Feb. 18, 2023, held on Sat. 6pm, at OLM church. Tix are $100 for all 5 drawings and monthly prizes are $400, $300, $200 and $100. Winning tix returned to drawing each month. No ‘give backs’ of winnings accepted! Thanks for your continued support and Good Luck!
The Rite to Life Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, January 18th in the Ryan Room at 7:00 PM. The Pro-Life Ministry affirms the sacredness of life from the moment of conception to natural death. This group takes an active role in Right to Life issues, through prayer, community service and social action. All are welcome. For more info call Joe Coralluzzo 201-274-6688. The Pro-Life Ministry will be giving out Baby Magnets after Masses on January 22nd. Please stop by to get your magnet and support the Pro-Life Ministry with your free will donation.
We are grateful to all who contributed so far this year, but we are significantly lower than last year’s total to date. If you have not sent in your Christmas envelope yet, please do so at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Christmas 2022 $ 76,410 (to date) Christmas budget $100,000 Christmas last year $100,274 Budget Shortfall to date ($ 23,590)
Thank you to our two parishioners who challenged the parish to match a total of $4,000 for the Christmas Fund which was established to help needy families. 28 parishioners donated over $5,000 which enabled us to help 7 families and organizations that were very much in need this year. May God bless you for your contribution.
We are thankful to all parishioners who contributed to the Christmas flower fund. The flowers this year were exceptionally beautiful. We would like to especially thank Tom Black, for his tireless watering and care for the numerous flowers throughout the Christmas season. You are greatly appreciated!