The Parish recently purchased three new ciboria for the Church as the old ones had become quite worn. The old ones are being repurposed as needed. Fr. Steve setup a donation box at the back of the chapel and in a few short months the new ciboria are fully paid for! Thank you to all who contributed!
You are invited to become part of a Living Rosary forming September 7th in the chapel after the 8:15 AM Mass. For information on the Living Rosary call Carol at 973-283-2218.
8:15am Mass followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ending with Benediction at 5pm.
FIRST SATURDAY ROSARY – August 3rd, 2024
8:15am Mass will be followed by praying the rosary.
We wanted to make sure parishioners were aware of the ministry we have here serving lunch at Eva’s Kitchen on Saturday and Sunday mornings (Eva’s staff prepares the food). Generally, it is an easy two hour commitment from 11am to 1pm in Paterson. Please contact Ann Santiso at 973-610-9396 for more information.
We are in need of ONE (1) Catechist/Teacher to pass on our faith on Sundays, 10:15-11:30 for grade 3. Please consider volunteering your time for this very important ministry. The rewards will definitely outweigh your commitment. Email Mary Ramsden [email protected] to discuss further.
OLM is planning to reintroduce the Children’s Liturgy this fall at 9am Masses. We are looking for parents or parishioners to help launch this beautiful ministry. Call Marianne 201-403-4216, Lori 201-874-7403 or Sue 973-202-8716.
Donations of used books, vinyl records, CD’s, DVD’s and books on tape will be accepted July 12TH – August 5TH at the Kiel Avenue Firehouse ONLY. The Book & Media Sale will be held August 15TH – 19TH at the Firehouse. Info? Call 973-838-1321, or or [email protected]
St. Mary’s Recycle Mission Group will be coming to OLM to collect religious items you might have at home that are no longer needed and can be rescued and recycled. The program was developed to help parishes in need of items that they cannot afford. Catholic Items that are gently used as well as damaged are accepted. Items include Catholic Statues, Rosaries (Broken rosaries and cases are OK), Crucifixes, Holy Medals, Relics, Holy Cards, Framed Pictures, Bibles, Prayer Books, Missals and framed Catholic pictures. In addition, any used musical instruments are also accepted. PLEASE NO reading books, children’s story books, DVDs, VHS tapes, angel figures (Saint Angels are OK) and no candles. Items can be dropped of to the Parish office M-Th. 8:30 – 2pm. Thank you.
No items can be dropped off or accepted after July 28th.
Congratulations Fr. Steve on the 35th Anniversary of your Priestly Ordination on July 8th. Thank you for your many years of service to God and his people. We pray that God will continue to bless and strengthen you as you continue in the ministry entrusted to you. And, may God's goodness and kindness be with you on this special day and for many years to come.
“If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Dr. Ken McNiel at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Monsignor T. Mark Condon, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 Ext. 205 or Sister Theresa Lee, FMA Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 Ext. 248.
The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site: