Reminder – the Beacon is now only available online. Please go to to see the online version. For weekly updates, you can subscribe to a newsletter, The Beacon and Beyond at: Be sure to visit the with a new “What To Do!” calendar events page - submissions are welcome: We hope you will enjoy The Beacon’s new digital form.
The Montville Knights of Columbus are hosting a fundraising benefit…"Lights Out” Presents - A Tribute to Frankie Valli, the Four Seasons, and More...on March 29 @ St. Pius gymnasium. Doors open at 6:30pm, show starts at 8pm, Food, Gourmet Cakes & Refreshments available. Please see Greg in the Narthex for tickets next weekend Feb., 8TH & 9TH.
Handmade prayer shawls are available to anyone in need of comfort during an illness or difficult time. To request a prayer shawl, or if you'd like to donate yarn please contact Julie Puccia [email protected].
This year’s theme for National Marriage Week is “Marriage: Source of Hope, Spring of Renewal, Pursue a Lasting Love.” This is an opportunity to focus on the sanctity of marriage and how building a culture of life and love promotes marriage and the family. For plenty of resources to help celebrate National Marriage Week and celebrate the gift of marriage all year, visit
A huge thank you to all who contributed to the Annual Christmas Fund which was established to help those in need locally, especially to the fund's founding benefactor. Twenty three parishioners donated over $11,000, including the matching contribution, which enabled us to help 5 families and organizations that were very much in need this year. Our benefactor would also like to thank all those who contributed this year and in prior year to this wonderful effort to help our community. May God bless you for your support!
If you have been participating in the OLM Living Rosary, please attend the First Saturday Rosary on February 1st. We will be reformatting the Living Rosary. If you have not been to first Saturday Rosary, please join us after 8:15 Mass in the Chapel.
Please join us on Wednesday, January 15th in the Chapel, to pray a Rosary for Life, immediately following the 8:15 am Mass. This is a great opportunity to spend time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Call Joe at 201-274-6688 for more info.
We are grateful to all who contributed so far this year, however we are still lower than our reduced budget. If you have not sent in your Christmas envelope yet, please do so at your earliest convenience. Thank you.
Christmas 2024 $ 68,761 (to date)
Christmas budget $ 75,000
Consider making your weekly contributions to OLM charitable donations through a QCD - Qualified Charitable Distribution. These contributions can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year. A QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA. Call George in the Parish office for more information.
Pope John Middle School Grades 5 to 7 will welcome prospective families for an Open House on Wednesday, January 29th from 9:00-10:30 a.m.
Please RSVP at or email [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our wonderful community with your family.
Monday, January 13 at 1:00 pm in the Ryan Room. Come help create Valentine Cards for the residents of the Firemen's Home in Boonton. All craft supplies will be provided. For more information, contact Diane Lattanzio at [email protected].
The House of Hope has been locked and will be closed for the month of January. Please do not drop anything off until it has been reopened. Thank you for your understanding.
SAVE – THE – DATE: Especially at this time, as we welcome the Christ Child into our Heart, we are thankful for the gift of life.
The Paterson diocese will once again participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C., on January 24, 2025. More details will be available in upcoming bulletins.
Dear Fr. Steve, parishioners and friends at OLM,
What a joy to receive all of your beautiful Christmas cards and heartfelt greetings. It means so much to hear from you. I especially enjoyed all of the photo cards of weddings and new babies!
I was sorry to have missed the Christmas concert. I heard that it was great. Let us pray for one another during this beautiful Christmas season and a blessed New Year to all.
Love, Peace and Joy, Sr. Ellen Denise
Consider making your weekly contributions to OLM charitable donations through a QCD - Qualified Charitable Distribution. These contributions can be counted toward satisfying your required minimum distributions (RMDs) for the year. A QCD excludes the amount donated from taxable income, which is unlike regular withdrawals from an IRA. Call George in the Parish office for more information.
Next meeting is Monday, January 13 at 1:00 pm in the Ryan Room. Come help create Valentine Cards for the residents of the Firemen's Home in Boonton. All craft supplies will be provided. For info email Diane at [email protected].